Life Updates: I’ve Started My Job & The Pup Arrives in 19 Days!

Life Updates: I’ve Started My Job & The Pup Arrives in 19 Days!

If you read my post a few weeks ago then you know I accepted a job offer from St John in November. What you may not have realized is that it didn't start until last week! Last Monday I dusted off my black slacks, put on shoes that weren't flip flops jandals, and took the 8:00am [...]

Will My Dog Bark With An Accent? A Guide To Getting Your Pet To New Zealand

Getting Your Pet Ready To Go New Zealand is a rabies-free country making it very, very difficult to bring pets into the country from the U.S. or any other non rabies-free country. The whole process takes about 6 months from getting the international microchip implanted to sealing the crate for your pet's flight. When it [...]